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Scrum is an anti-pattern for Continuous Delivery


I’ve been saying that ‘Scrum is an anti-pattern for Continuous Delivery’ for awhile, including last week’s post which got a ‘huh?’ so here is my beef with Scrum.

Actually my complaint isn’t with Scrum itself, but with Sprints and if you remove those then the whole house of cards fall down. (This is similar to my stance on Java, which I do dislike, but I loathe Eclipse so Java is tolerable in something other than Eclipse. Barely.)

The whole point of Continuous Delivery, to me, is to ‘deliver’ improvements to whatever it is you do, to your customers ‘continuously.’ Where continuously means, well, continuously. Not ‘at the end of an arbitrary time people which usually is about 2 – 3 weeks in length.’ This is why ‘Mean Time To Production’ is such an important metric to me and drives all other changes to the delivery pipeline.

“But Adam, how will we plan what we do if we don’t get to play Planning Poker every week?” Easy. Your customers will tell you. And that ‘customer’ could be internal. If something is important, you will know. If something is more important than something else, then it will bump that down the queue. This isn’t to say discussing things and figuring out how to slice them into smaller and smaller units isn’t necessary. It absolutely is. And learning how to do this is perhaps one of the hardest problems in software. Which leads to…

“But Adam, this is a big story that will take the full sprint to complete.” Slice it smaller, hide the work-in-progress behind feature flags and still push your local changes daily. (You should be using them anyways to separate feature launch from availability.)

“But Adam, we could deploy at any point — we just do it once a sprint.” Why? You are actively doing a disservice to your customers and your company by holding back things that could improve their experience and make you more money. Disclaimer: this becomes a more real argument when deploying to IoT or other hardware. I don’t want my thermostat to get updated 20 times a day. But if the vendor could do it, I’ll accept that.

“But Adam, we are in a regulated environment and have to do Scrum.” That’s a strawman argument against working with your auditors. See Dave’s recent Continuous Compliance article.

“But Adam, how will we know if we are getting better at estimating?” The same way you do with Scrum or anything else, which is to collect data. This is a bulk food type problem. When you go to buy say peanut butter from the bulk food store, you take in your container and they weigh it before you scoop your peanut-y deliciousness into it, and after. They then do the math to know the weight of just the peanut button. Same thing can be done here. If you know how long your deploys take, you can do math to say between time code was started to the time it was available in production. And then remove the fixed time of deployments to get the actual length of time something took. In its entirety, not just ‘in development’. (I don’t actually track this metric right now. Things take the length of time they take. But I think this is sound theory.)

“But Adam, where do all our manual testers fit in this world?” They are just part of the process. This is a key difference between Continuous Deployment and Continuous Delivery. If your process says humans touch it, then humans touch it. But there also needs to be a way to short-circuit around them in the case of an emergency.

“But Adam, our database is so archaic and fragile that deployments are a huge risks and sprints minimize that.” That’s a good place to start to change things. A local company still does releases weekly overnight on Wednesdays after 5 years because of this. I’m pretty sure it stopped being a tech problem and well into a people problem a couple years ago.

So if not Scrum, then what? The ‘easy’ answer is Kanban. The harder answer is of course ‘it depends’ and likely looks like a tailored version of Kanban to solves your team’s problems. I really like the notion of a work item flowing across a board, but also dislike enforcing WIP limits and the artificial moving of things left to make room for something else because the tooling requires it.

Let me know what other “But Adam’s” I missed in the comments.

Oh, I’ve got one more.

“But Adam, that is hard.” Yes. Yes it is. (It’s also super fun.)

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